7+ Tips to Stay Focused During Exam Period

If there’s a time to be laser focused, it’s exam season. With so little time and so much material to cover, you want to be as efficient as possible when combing through your notes. While top students have their study secrets, there are certainly a few bulletproof ways you can make use of your time during exam period.
Here are 7 tips to help you make the most of your studying while cutting out any potential distractions along the way.

1. Don’t organize a study group with friends

Study groups might be fun, but they’re not always the most efficient use of your time. Just think for a moment—will your group just end up discussing last night’s episode of “Game of Thrones” instead of getting work done? Unless everyone is committed to saving the chit-chat until after the study session, it may be wiser to hit the books solo.

2. Prep your study materials before you start studying

For the majority of students, studying is a chore. And like any chore, the last thing you want to do is make it harder than it needs to be. If you have to print out notes, bookmark textbook pages, or ensure that all your pens actually have ink in them, do that before starting your study session. Ideally, have everything prepped the night before, or at least a few hours ahead of time. There’s no use in wasting time trying to find missing notes or locating a new highlighter in the middle of your studying.
If you’re storing study materials on your computer or prepping for that final term paper, tools like Office 365 and EndNote can help cut down time spent organizing material. And hey, any time saved means more time to actually study.

3. Turn off and put away your mobile devices

Once you have everything prepped, the next (crucial) step to ensuring you remain focused throughout your studying, is to turn off your devices. That includes your phone, TV, tablet, and even your computer (if you don’t need it). Physically put them away if necessary—you’ll be able to check Snapchat later, we promise. Having your mobile devices nearby just means constant temptation to check your email, texts and social media.

4. Get a good night’s sleep

It may be tempting to cut back on sleep in order to make more time to study (hello all-nighters), but according to several studies, this is counterproductive if staying focused is a priority. Drowsiness will only prevent you from absorbing information to the best of your ability. Try and get at least 7 hours of sleep per night to avoid suffering any academic shortfalls the next day—and to avoid falling asleep during your exam.

5. Organize your work/play time in a calendar

Exam time may also be crunch time, but you still need to give yourself a few activities to look forward to amidst your study sessions. Create a calendar to document the exact times you plan to study, versus the times you plan to kick back and relax. Maintaining a healthy work/play ratio (even if that ratio is 80/20 come exam season) will help make adhering to that schedule much easier.

6. Schedule breaks into your study session

Your productivity may actually increase if you take study breaks every 50 minutes or so. In fact, the reason why you’re having trouble focusing might be because you’re due for a brain break! With that said, resist the urge to break for more than 15 minutes apiece, lest you fall into the trap of becoming fully distracted from studying.

7. Don’t study to music—at least not the kind you can sing along to

Music might help you tune out outside noise, but if you’re blasting your favorite hits, how can you possibly resist the urge to sing along with them? Lyrics are distracting and you want your focus to be on the words you’re reviewing, and not the ones you’re listening to. If you prefer to have music playing in the background, try classical or instrumental music.
Ambient music is also great for focusing; let the calming sounds of rain, a coffee shop, or even white noise wash away distraction. Noisli and A Soft Murmur are super easy-to-use websites that offer free ambient music.
For those of you who skimmed through this article, here is one bonus article for the bloggers out there:

BONUS FOR BLOGGERS: Create Stunning Graphics for your Blog

Important! This post is originally from OnTheHub!
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