Social and Economic Benefits of Aviation

Social and Economic Benefits of AviationAviation is the real world wide web- A network of Airlines,Airports and Air Traffic Control (ATC) organizations that links the major cities and small communities of the world 24 hours a day with every advanced aircraft. Aviation provides some 56.6 million jobs world wide and $2.2 trillion of global GDP It allows people to have adventures in new countries, to relax on tropical beaches, to build business relationships and to visit friends and family. As our global economy grows ever more linked, aviation is the factor that brings people together. ATAG’s (Air Transport Action Group)work on the social and economic benefits of aviation brings together a world of facts and figures to give policymakers and the industry the important global view of how our air travel creates jobs and drives economic growth. ATAG published, in March 2012, Aviation: benefits beyond borders, to explore the various ways in which aviation contributes to the economy, jobs, the lives of millions of people around the world and how it is addressing its environmental impacts. “It’s a fascinating look at the scope of the aviation industry and our role in the world,” says Paul Steele, Executive Director of ATAG, “when you realize that aviation, if it were a country, would be the 19th largest economy in the world, supporting 56.6 million jobs and over two trillion dollars in economic impact, you really see the scale of air transport."

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This article is written by Swapnil Swarup!


  1. Really Nice Article, I expect further better articles from you in the future. Till then, #KeepMashing at #YouMashBlog..

    1. Ya....sure I'll do better and Attractive one in future..#Saikat#YouMashBlog

    2. You definitely will!!... @Swapnil Swarup


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